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About SRNT

The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) is the leading association focused on this special area of research. SRNT was founded in 1994 to coordinate and advance research on a broad array of topics ranging from the pharmacology of nicotine to the societal influences on use of tobacco.  The Society has flourished in the years since its inception and now has over 1100 members, in more than 40 countries around the world.

SRNT Europe

Mission and Aims

The mission of the SRNT Europe is to stimulate the generation of new knowledge concerning nicotine and tobacco at any level of research, from molecular to societal.


  1. To organise scientific meetings and publications fostering the exchange of research information on nicotine and tobacco.
  2. To encourage scientific research on public health efforts for the prevention and treatment of tobacco use and dependence.
  3. To educate and train researchers and clinicians to be able to conduct such research and apply its results.
  4. To provide a framework by which legislative, governmental, regulatory and other public agencies can obtain expet advice and consultation on nicotine and tobacco.